New Christmas Song – “Put Up The Lights”

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Dan Ashley Interview

Put Up the Lights

Dan Ashley “Put Up the Lights” interview with AIM Country Music Television

Redbud Road

Redbud Road isn’t a made-up place, it’s a real place.  it’s the street where I grew up. It’s the street that defined who I am and how I came to look at the world. It’s where my siblings and I spent endless summer days climbing trees, playing in the woods, and letting our imaginations run free. It’s where many good things happened and a few bad things too.  The street where you grew up probably has a different name, but I’ll bet we share a lot of the same experiences during a time of life and that is so profound and so formative.

Dan Ashley Music

Now and Then

So much of life is about transitions, how we move from one moment in life, one period of life, to the next. It seems to me that one of the things that makes those transitions easier, even enjoyable, is a sense of continuity. What is it that grounds us? What are the values we hold on to? Who are the people who mean the most to us, that we rely on as we move through the transitions of life?  I wrote  “Now and Then” in that spirit. It’s a song about finding comfort by identifying, and holding onto, those threads that weave their way through the past and present of our lives.

Dan Ashley Music

We Stayed Home

“We’ve been through a lot during the past few months during the Coronavirus crisis but, as hard as it has been, it’s also been a time to reconnect with family and to spend time at home in meaningful ways. This song that I wrote with Bill is a reflection of the pride we can all feel for doing what we had to do to protect ourselves and our communities from this pandemic. We’re not out of the woods yet, either. But “We Stayed Home” is my salute to Americans all over the country who answered the call in a time of crisis and will do so again if necessary.” – Dan Ashley

Dan Ashley Music

Lucky Stars

Live Performance

Dan Ashley Music

My Favorite Time of Year

What a joy to be on ABC7 Midday News to perform my new Christmas time single, “My Favorite Time of Year”. You can see the performance and my interview with my dear friend and colleague Kristen Sze here.

Dan Ashley Music

What Really Matters

“What Really Matters is a song I wrote that reflects a lifetime spent as a journalist. In all of those years, I can truly say that I’ve seen it all- the best in people and the worst. In those moments, it can be hard to come to terms with why bad things happen to good people. But, in every instance, I have seen decent people step forward and help those in need—providing safety, comfort, and love. This song is for them.”

Written by Dan Ashley and Bill Bentley
Produced by Bill Bentley

Dan Ashley Music

Dan Ashley Live

Dan Ashley and his remarkable band in concert.

Dan Ashley Music

National Anthem

Dan Ashley Sings National Anthem at Oakland A’s Game